Since childhood herbs and natural medicine have been a significant and poignant part of my life. From hedgerow to health, my childhood was punctuated by regular herb picking outings with my father and three sisters in the Highlands of Scotland where my family lived. One of my earliest recollections is making Coltsfoot syrup out of the honey-smelling yellow flowers in a barrel next to the Aga which was subsequently pressed out and used to alleviate coughs. Looking back, those days spent gathering herbs now hold a special place although at the time more than a little coercion was required: being boot-deep in a bog collecting bog bean (Menyanthes trifoliata), extremely useful for rheumatic and muscular pain, is not your average family outing
These experiences plus a deep interest in science and nature led me to follow in my father’s footsteps, some 20 years later, to gain an honours degree of Bachelor of Science in Herbal Medicine, incredibly, under the same school principle as my father, Brian Lamb. I use herbal medicine to address a wide spectrum of modern ailments including IBS, insomnia and fertility problems. I have lectured to medics in Copenhagen on the use of medicinal herbs in Alzheimer’s disease, gained valuable experience in Whipscross Hospital, London on the dermatology ward and presented talks on a wholistic approach to cancer at the Nuffield Hospital. I also co-founded Newtritious Delicious, a highly successful cooking course which bridges the gap between food and medicine and traditional dietary principles and leading science.
As the daughter of Scotland’s longest practicing medical herbalist I am the UK’s only second generation herbalist. With a family history of doctors dating back nearly 200 years and a childhood where medicinal plants were first-line medicine, perhaps it is not surprising that I followed in my father’s footsteps. I have a life time of first-hand experience observing the power of herbs for a wide variety of health conditions. With over 20 years of working experience in botanical medicine I aim to support, stimulate and enable a journey of healing and recovery.
To achieve the frequently remarkable results that I get with clients I combine evidence-based science with traditional botanical wisdom, within a framework of restorative.