
Austo tolit cetero ea eam, at atqui soleat moderatiu usu, vis ut illud putent corumpi. At wisi euripidi duo, vim vide omnies reformida. Populis inimi noluise mea.

A touching testimonial

A touching testimonial

I have recently received a very touching testimonial from one of my clients which I have permission to share:

Sophie has naturally restored me to my positive self, through a simple, supportive and uncomplicated path. She has a wealth of knowledge and is extremely supportive.

About 6 months ago, I was exhausted with a list of ailments which included, Insomnia, water retention, extreme PMS, weekly weight fluctuation, heat sensitivity, aching joints…the list seemed endless. My self-confidence plummeted. I realised I had reached a helpless point with my health and my life became saturated with my negativity and low self-esteem. I became very intolerant to my husband and children and this was a debilitating feeling for me, as deep down, I really knew that I couldn’t be without them. I increased my already busy exercise regime and intake of raw foods in an attempt to heal myself, but this seemed to have a negative impact on my symptoms.

My GP, ordered blood tests which came back abnormal thyroid function but not abnormal enough to be treated This left me with all these frustrating symptoms and no diagnosis. He then decided to refer me to a sleep disorder clinic to see if there was an explanation for my extreme tiredness during the day.

During the overnight sleep study, I was wired up, to monitor heart rate, breathing and limb movements to check my sleep pattern for disturbed sleep. The consultant explained that the results indicated that I was indeed not getting restorative sleep and there was something arousing a part of my brain during my sleep. A follow up was required to do a further sonography of my brain to pinpoint the active area in my brain. I was advised the resulting treatment as a solution to this problem, would be ‘heavy duty’ amphetamines.[trx_quote cite=”#” title=”Client”]I was advised the resulting treatment as a solution to this problem, would be ‘heavy duty’ amphetamines.[/trx_quote]  I was adverse to this kind of treatment; however the diagnosis focused me to seek alternative help whilst awaiting my follow up at the hospital.

The following week I had an appointment with Sophie. Sophie quickly identified the problem and immediately set a remedy in place. Within days there was an improvement. A few weeks later, my new thyroid results returned showing an improvement in my Thyroid function.

Sophie then targeted my lack of sleep. A few days into this treatment, I awoke and felt restored, something, which I had not experienced for a very long time. Since this day all the previous symptoms had dissipated and the follow-up sleep study, as I expected, resulted in me being discharged!

I would never have thought that sleep deprivation could have caused such a web of health issues and how this would affect my outlook on everything.
Sophie has naturally restored me to my positive self, through a simple, supportive and uncomplicated path. She has a wealth of knowledge and is extremely supportive.

Thank you Sophie, I feel very blessed to have met you.

Since childhood herbs and natural medicine have been a significant and poignant part of my life. As the daughter of Scotland's longest practicing medical herbalist I am the UK's only second generation medical herbalist I have a life time of first hand experience observing the power of herbs for a wide variety of health conditions. With over 15 years experience working with a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Botanical medicine I aim to support, stimulate and enable a journey of healing and recovery. Combining evidence-based science with traditional botanical medicine with good nutrition as the bedrock, applying stress management strategies and medical laboratory testing as appropriate, are all used to achieve restored health.

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