Insomnia: Is it your psychology or your biology?
There can be such a strong temptation to view insomnia purely as a symptom of psychological distress – I know, I have been there! And whilst, yes, of course, sleepless nights can be the result of worry, I don’t believe
How low carb’ diets are depriving us of sleep
Someone reminded me recently that the first three letters in the word, ‘diet’ is, ‘DIE’. Well, given the link between sleep deprivation and death and the fact that some diets spell the beginning of sleepless nights, this is not that
Your nightly brain detox and why sleep matters
In an age of round-the-clock news and information it can be tempting to view the need for sleep as an inconvenience. But "need" is indeed the imperative here. Have you ever considered why lack of sleep can kill, is used
Get hot and manage weight with thermogenic foods
What is thermogenesis and how does it help you to lose weight? Thermogenesis combines two latin words to mean the generation (genesis) of heat (thermos). Whilst the vast majority of your calories are burned as you rest due to what is called
Super easy, ultra healthy dal
Recently I had some very lovely and willing friends around to help me trial a new product. I think they would have done it anyway but I did offer a little carrot: a very nice dal with freshly fried popadoms