
Austo tolit cetero ea eam, at atqui soleat moderatiu usu, vis ut illud putent corumpi. At wisi euripidi duo, vim vide omnies reformida. Populis inimi noluise mea.



There can be such a strong temptation to view insomnia purely as a symptom of psychological distress – I know, I have been there! And whilst, yes, of course, sleepless nights can be the result of worry, I don’t believe that is the case with the vast majority of insomniacs who have difficulty getting a good kip night after night. This post is really a word of warning. Viewing insomnia solely through the prism of life’s worries and

Someone reminded me recently that the first three letters in the word, ‘diet’ is, ‘DIE’. Well, given the link between sleep deprivation and death and the fact that some diets spell the beginning of sleepless nights, this is not that for from the truth. Insomnia is becoming an ever-increasing nocturnal nightmare and whilst its cause is certainly multi-factorial, fad diets are, from my own past experience and from what I see very frequently in my clinic, becoming

In an age of round-the-clock news and information it can be tempting to view the need for sleep as an inconvenience. But "need" is indeed the imperative here. Have you ever considered why lack of sleep can kill, is used as a form of torture, is linked with early death from any disease, increases the risk of developing diabetes, obesity, mental illness, Alzheimer's and cancer? Perhaps you know that sleep is important but haven't considered why. It

What is thermogenesis and how does it help you to lose weight? Thermogenesis combines two latin words to mean the generation (genesis) of heat (thermos). Whilst the vast majority of your calories are burned as you rest due to what is called your basal metabolic rate (while you sit and read this at rest), approximately 10% of your calories can be burned as a result of eating thermogenic foods (dietary-induced thermogenesis). In other words, thermogenesis is energy expended or